Which type of session would suit me?

There are various options to suit different needs

Individual session

This is a 50-minute therapeutic session between a client and the facilitator

It combines talk therapy, creative therapies, and possibly exercises based on constellations. Creative activities such as drawing, painting, clay work, drama, and movement may be included. 

PROCESS: Consultation meeting to discuss your needs, and then we can plan together.  
TIMELINE: Typically a course of 6 or 10 sessions. To be agreed with you. 
RESOURCES: Supplies needed will be discussed in the consultation or a previous session. 

Typical Fee:

Between £30 - £80 per session. The fee would be discussed during the first consultation.

Individual constellation

An hour to an hour and a half session between you and the facilitator

This session is designed for the client and facilitator and is expected to last slightly over an hour. The session will be centered around constellations. While a computer program, Co-Spaces, may be utilized, the facilitator will manage the technical aspects. Additionally, figurines or paper may be utilized as alternative tools. The aim of the session is to provide a structured and effective approach to exploring and discovering solutions through constellations.

PROCESS: In the session, we’d first gather information on: issues, facts of the situation and your end goals.
TIMELINE: Progress is possible in 1 session, though typically clients benefit more from 3 to 4 sessions. 
RESOURCES: Just a stable internet connection and a quiet room. 

Typical Fee:

£80 to £120 per session

Participant in a group session

This workshop is a group-based therapeutic session utilising creative methods. It is expected to last approximately 90 minutes to 2 hours. The session will be facilitated by one or two facilitators, who will guide the group through therapeutic exercises and facilitate group discussions. By choosing this option, you are committing to participating as part of the group.

Due to the theme and size limitations, attendance may be limited and you will be informed of any necessary materials prior to the workshop. Thank you for your interest in this unique and engaging experience.

Typical Fee:

£30 per participant

Client in a group constellation

This is a group process designed to support 1 client at a time. The process will be facilitated by a professional and supported by a group.

This is a lengthier experience compared to individual constellation sessions, usually lasting between 2 to 4 hours for 2 constellations or up to 2 hours for one client.

By choosing to participate in this process, you are working directly with the facilitator and receiving support from the group. This is a unique opportunity to benefit from the collective wisdom and support of the group, and we are excited to have you be a part of it.

Typical Fee:

£80 - £120 per client

Common questions

Respect, confidentiality, and trust. All your information is kept safe and stored adequately and privately. We strive to create a safe space where all of our clients are valued, respected and empowered on their journey with us. We trust that you know more about yourself than we will ever know, and we will go at your own pace in your healing journey. Likewise, we promise to be as honest as we can about our capabilities as facilitators and how much knowledge we have about your situation. We will never reveal information about you to anyone else unless there is a risk of harm and authorities need to know.

There are lots of different types of therapy, and they suit lots of different people at different times in their lives. CBT might be ideal for someone who finds having goals to work towards to be really useful – but for someone else that might just lead to more stress and make the issue worse. Some people might find talking therapies like counselling to be the most effective – but for others who struggle to put things into words, creative therapies might be a great way to express what is inside in a more effective way than talking. In addition, we can work creatively and we can incorporate constellations so you get a unique offering. We don’t work to a template or a course structure, so the way that the therapy is conducted is worked out between you and your facilitator, you choose what kinds of techniques you want to engage in, and we find exercises based on your needs and what changes you would like to see for yourself.

Yes you can! We know that everyone needs support sometimes, and we are here to create a space for you to heal regardless of whether you have a diagnosed condition or not. However, Nat is not a trained clinical therapist at this point, so if you have a diagnosis we are happy to work with you, but there are some areas that we can’t deal with adequately and you might need other support. It is also helpful sometimes to disclose what medication you might be on, since that will impact how you feel things in your body and mind (of course we will keep this confidential). We want the best for you, and if we feel that your needs are beyond what we are qualified for, we will be upfront about this, or we will find a way to work in concert with other professionals that you are seeing.

We could be painting, drawing, using clay, movement, or drama approaches. Whatever you feel comfortable with or have the tools for! Different people have different ways of expressing themselves at different times, and creative methods help to release parts of the self that might not come to light just through talking. We work collaboratively so that we respect your experiences and create a space for you to express what you want to in a safe way.

Not at all! This is not about what you produce, it is more about the process that you go through. If you don’t like drawing, or you don’t want to get messy, or you don’t like movement, we can work in other ways that suit you. This is about finding a way to empower you and assist you to feel better.

Family & Systemic Constellations

Family & Systemic Constellations are a process by which we take the internal image that the client has of the issue in their head, and we make it external by putting it in a 3D space. We do this so that the person can quite clearly see the family or organisational dynamics and get a perspective from the outside about how they all fit together and relate to each other, and to be able to spot patterns or get an overview that you can’t get from inside your own head. It is a subtle process and the results can take a while to kick in – anywhere from the next day up to a couple of years sometimes.

Participating in a group family or systemic constellation can bring several benefits, including:

  1. Understanding of interconnected patterns: By examining your relationship with others and how they influence you, you can gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics and patterns in your family and personal relationships.

  2. Increased self-awareness: Engaging in group family constellations can help increase your self-awareness, as you gain insights into your feelings, beliefs, and behaviours.

  3. Improved relationships: The process can help you resolve conflicts and heal past traumas, leading to improved relationships with family members and others in your life.

  4. Enhanced emotional healing: Engaging in group family constellations can help you to release pent-up emotions and trauma, allowing for greater emotional healing and balance.

  5. Increased sense of belonging: By understanding the interconnectedness of your relationships, you can develop a greater sense of belonging and connection to your family and community.

  6. Support from the group: Group Family Constellations offer the added benefit of support from the facilitator and other members of the group, providing a safe and nurturing environment for growth and healing.

You can work with anything, really – a feeling, an event, an experience, physical symptoms, a relationship dynamic, decision-making, reaching your goals, parts of yourself and more.

Please be aware that we cannot work with other people’s issues unless they are also involved in the constellation – this includes partners, kids, parents, or bosses. However tempting it is to want to work with other people’s stuff, ultimately we are here to serve you and to look at your feelings and experiences.

Also, similarly when we work with illnesses, we are in no way claiming we can heal your illness. What we can do is look at your feelings, your history and how you relate to it, and help you to understand patterns around your illness that may not be visible to you at the moment. That might have an impact on the illness, as it changes how you relate to yourself and your body. This is not a replacement for medical care, and actually it is helpful for you to tell care providers about therapeutic or constellations work that you are undertaking.

We do one on one or group sessions depending on how the client feels. In a group session, we would have a main client and a group of people who are supporting that client in the process. We have a space, often called the field, and members of the group stand in for or represent certain family members or elements that are important in the constellation. You can see those family members or elements interact in the space, and so you get a visual representation of how things are related to each other and dynamics that are present. That might be enough for you, and you might just want to see the image clearly and get insight. If you wanted to gain some resolution, we would then introduce certain interventions, such as sentences or movements, designed to alter the dynamics. We usually have a representative for you as the client, so the process is less intense and you can see it from a distance, but we sometimes have the client stand in for themselves so that you can experience the energies yourself, but only if you are comfortable with this.

If you are working one on one, the facilitator will also represent elements in the constellation, and sometimes the client might be asked to as well, depending on how comfortable you feel.

The online process is pretty similar to the in person process, we have a field and we have people to go into the field. The only difference really is that this is done either with the help of a computer program, where you can choose avatars for the elements, and move them around, or we sometimes use figurines or dolls and place the camera so that you can see the whole process. The program is easy to use, you don’t need to have a subscription and we will tell you all you need to know about it before we start the constellation. You can leave it all to us to handle the tech if you are more comfortable with that.

No, just yourself! If you are participating in person, it can be helpful to have comfortable clothes you can move around in, but apart from that, no preparation needed. Online, we just need you to have a stable internet connection, and to find somewhere where you feel safe and you will have minimal distractions. It can be helpful to have headphones to cut out any noise, but that is optional.

For the creative sessions, any items you need will be discussed with you before the session, we usually aim to use materials you already have in your house anyway, and we can always choose a method that doesn’t require any extra materials.

Yes, you can. We have a chat at the beginning and we ask you about yourself and your family. This is where constellations is different from things like role play. In role play, there is some sort of script or scenario, while in constellations, the field will give us energetic information. That means that the representatives will feel certain things emotionally, physically or get certain images or words come to them, regardless of how much intellectual information they have about who they are representing. The process can still be very effective without that much information, which makes it fairly unique as a therapeutic method.

One thing constellations won’t do is give you hard and fast facts where you have none – but it can give you general impressions, energies, or patterns that are in play, or make you think about the family in a broader intergenerational context.

We do! We completed our training in family constellations, but we are pursuing further training in systemic and structural constellations, among others. That means we can work with family dynamics, but also dynamics within structures like businesses or other systems. We can also work with elements inside of yourself – like emotions, body parts, or parts of the personality. This is particularly helpful for some psychotherapeutic processes. Some people might come to the session with a very specific idea of what process they want to engage in – you might want to look specifically at your role at work, we could look at your work place on the field. Or if you were exploring a friendship dynamic, then we could bring in family or we could work with lots of other elements such as events that happened. Other people might have a specific symptom but be open to which approach we take, so we might incorporate all sorts of things, including abstract concepts. There are also constellations helping with decision-making and other issues. Since we are client centred, we will always check in with you if there are any things that you don’t feel you can work with right now as well.

Yes you can! We know that everyone needs support sometimes, and we are here to create a space for you to heal regardless of whether you have a diagnosed condition or not. However, Nat is not a trained clinical therapist at this point, so if you have a diagnosis we are happy to work with you, but there are some areas that we can’t deal with adequately and you might need other support. It is also helpful sometimes to disclose what medication you might be on, since that will impact how you feel things in your body and mind (of course we will keep this confidential). We want the best for you, and if we feel that your needs are beyond what we are qualified for, we will be upfront about this, or we will find a way to work in concert with other professionals that you are seeing.

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Let's Meet!

Can’t wait to meet you! During this session, you can find out more about me, ask questions and see whether this is a good fit for you.